Tuesday, June 6, 2017

Cindy visits PAY

While Cindy was still here and the kids were out exploring, she went out with me to PAY. Cindy had brought books and clothes for the PAY children from the States. It was so much fun to prepare a lesson and teach with her. We decided to introduce the children to African fables, read a couple to them, and have them write their own. I had a terrible cold during this time and kept losing my voice, so Cindy stepped up and did most of the talking. The kids loved her.


We also had a rare treat of popcorn. I never had popcorn prepared this way. It was popped in oil, like normal, but then while it was hot, they sprinkled it with powdered sugar and salt. The sugar stuck to the hot popcorn and made a sweet, salty coating. It was sure easier than caramel corn!

I am having the children finish their fables this week. They will type them in computer lab when they are finished. We will then make crayon relief batik style illustrations to go with their stories. I plan on hand binding them into a book. Some of the stories are very creative, such as "How the Cheetah got Its spots" and "How Ostriches Lost the Ability to Fly". I will have to see if I can post a few of them later on. 

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