Saturday, September 2, 2017

Leopard Lodge

The first place we took everyone was Leopard Lodge. It is only about 100 km north east of Windhoek. It was lovely and a good introduction to Namibia. 

Water tower

Rooms we stayed in

Just one of the spectacular views.

While the lodge mainly caters to hunters, they provided us with a great safari drive. 

Aunt Mary Alice, Grandma, and Grandpa.  I think they really were having more fun than this picture suggests!

We were able to see...



Spotted hyaena


 Crocodiles-- I really am terrified by these guys. I am glad the guide said they had caught a kudu the day before so they weren't hungry, but lazy and sleepy.


Red Hartebeest

Everything in Africa wants to kill you, and not just the crocs!

You find strong contrasts. It amazed me to find this glorious little flower in the middle of the desert rock and soil. Gives new meaning to the old saying, "Bloom where you are planted". 

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