Sunday, January 29, 2017

This past week has been interesting. Bruce spent most of his time at the university trying to get an ID to have access to his office building. We also went to the library to get access to secure Internet. That is basically it. (and Bruce still doesn't have an ID) We were told that English is the official language here, but I am sure it is not the English we speak. I am really having a hard time understanding what people say. Since English is their second language, most speak with a very strong accent. That coupled with my southern accent makes for using a lot of hand gestures. For example: Going to library. There are three guards at the entrance. They asked us what we needed since we did not have an ID. Bruce explained that we were told to take all of our electronic devices to the library to gain Internet access. They laughed and said they did not understand what we were saying. So, Bruce pulls out his phone and accesses the e-mail from the international office giving us the direction to go there. They pass the phone around trying to figure out what it is saying. Finally, one of the guards recognizes the name of the woman who sent us the e-mail. She was very excited saying, "I know her" over and over. After about 10 minutes, they finally let us into the library. I don't think they had a clue what we were doing there, but simply wanted to get rid of us.

On Saturday, we started the process of shopping for a used car. We had gone on-line and identified several cars to look at. The most interesting thing about used cars, is that many of them are imported from Japan. They all have satellite displays, but the service is not available here. The displays were all in Japanese! We got sunburned walking around. There are many taxis running around, but we enjoy walking and seeing the city. The taxis all honk at you, hoping to get a fare. We get honked at so much that I am sure we will miss it when we leave. Since there has been quite a bit of rain this week, the city is alive with green and flowering trees. It is beautiful.

Bruce was asked this Sunday to work with the young men (ages 12-18) in the branch of our Church. There are about 8-10 young men. I think he is looking forward to it.

The only other update I have is the status of the washing machine. On Monday, the plumber came and it was decided that the easiest solution to the broken washer was to swap it out with the washer next door, since no one is currently in that apartment. So they hauled out the old and brought in a different one, hooked it up, and told me it was a go. I bravely loaded it up, turned it on, and guess what? It flooded the kitchen floor! I wanted to scream. Actually, I think I did. I turned it off and Bruce came in to see why I was standing in the kitchen screaming.  I guess this washer had a hole in the water hose. Called maintenance again and they replaced the hose. It took all my courage to turn that darn machine on again. And guess what? It worked!!!! I have spent most of this week catching up on the last month of laundry, but I have conquered.

I know from talking with my family that many of you are looking for pictures of wild animals, sand dunes and such. Unfortunately we live in the city and the elephants and lions do not. Hopefully we will be able to get a car this week and head out to the closest game preserve this week or next week at the latest. Until then, I have pictures of ,,,,,wait for it..... our apartment!!! I know, it isn't the same but it
 will have to do for now. 
 Living  room

                                                            Pictures of grandchildren corner

                                               Kitchen (I had just washed the dishes)
                              The infamous washing machine with the hot water heater above it.

                        Me working on the computer at the dining room table. I have no idea what I am doing with my hands. I don't think I was praying.

                                                                Our bedroom.

                                          Bath room. The hot water heater hangs over the tub.
                                                         Toilet is in a separate room.
                                 Guest room for all of those who would like to come use it. See I even have                     towels for you. I mean are we talking 5 stars or what!

            Our front door, the iron gate not the solid doors (they house the electrical meters. We had to                wire them shut. The first night we were here, they kept us awake by banging open and shut.

    Views from the apartment.

         Our balcony. This is where we eat most of the time. The clothes dryer is hanging above.
Hope you enjoyed the apartment tour. 

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