Wednesday, February 1, 2017

Herero Woman

I saw a  Herero woman at the grocery store today dressed in her native clothing with a cloth horn hat and Victorian style dress. I was unable to take a picture, so I found one that is very similar. (middle picture) She was absolutely stunning and appeared very regal in the native attire. Here is a bit about their culture taken from the web:

"Migrating to Namibia from East Africa in the middle of the 16 century, the Herero are a pastoral cattle-breeding people.  Many Herero women in Namibia wear traditional Victorian-style clothing which was brought to the country by German colonialists over 100 years ago. The hats worn by Herero women represent the horns of cattle. Their style of dress continues to be passed down through generations and often is worn as every-day clothing. Wearing the dresses often symbolizes a woman's place in the society. It openly broadcasts who they are as a people and the identity of the Herero is created through the dress. The Herero women take enormous pride in their outfits."


1 comment:

  1. Ha - I know what you are going to be wearing the next time we meet...
