Tuesday, April 4, 2017

Next day safari drive

We got up early this morning since we had arranged a safari drive for 7:00. The animals like the early morning and late evening time to move around. A safari drive is simply being driven around on the Savannah by a guide in a 4 wheeled drive open vehicle. The guides know where the animals like to hang out and are very knowledgeable about them. It is well worth the $25.00 US we paid for the 2 1/2 hour drive.

The landscape is amazing. I was totally in awe of the wide open beauty of the country. The pictures just don't do it justice.

We were excited to see many animals.



Springbok--They truly live up to their name. We saw them jumping over twice their height.

Herd of zebras.  These are mountain zebras which differ from others having an unstripped belly, although the grass is so tall you can't really see it. Namibia enjoyed a wet summer Jan. through Mar. and the animals have been enjoying the abundant grass and water

We really enjoyed seeing these animals out on the Savannah in large groups. The wildebeest like to run. It seemed they were charging around all the time. The zebra were also very skittish and ran in large groups. At one point, we were surrounded by over a hundred springbok at a water hole. It was pretty awesome. We also saw an African eagle, impala, warthog, meerkat and baboon. It is difficult to get good pictures of everything.

However, we did get some great pictures of the two white rhinoceros we encountered.

Check out the size of that horn!

You don't realize how big these girls are until they start walking toward you. 

We got within 10 ft. of so of them.

So, we have seen the first of the "big 5"--lion, leopard, hippo, elephant and rhino.

Just another day in Africa.

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