Tuesday, July 25, 2017

Elephants oh my!

Many of our friends are  interested in seeing pictures and not so much in reading all my ramblings, so today,  I am posting some of the pictures we were able to take of the elephants. You would think that spotting elephants would be easy and I guess in some ways it is. (You look for big gray rocks sticking out of the grass and wait to see if any part of it moves. The flapping of the ears is what usually gives it away)

This was one of my favorite shots. The herd of elephants was grouped around the younger calves around this tree. 

We captured the elephants tussling with each other a bit. 

It was amazing to see these enormous animals in the wild. It is an experience I will never forget.

Stay tune for the next couple of weeks. I will try to post a new blog on a different animal or part of our trip every few days.

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