Wednesday, July 26, 2017

Peet Alberts Rock Engravings

On our last day of our northern Namibia tour, we stayed at the Kaoko Lodge just outside of the town of Kamanjab. As part of our stay in the region, we visited the Peet Alberts Rock Engravings historical site. The site was located about 1.5 km drive from the main road and then about another 1 km hike or so up the side of a bluff. On top are located 1,200 to 1,500 rock engravings made by the San and Khoi people. The engravings are at least 2000 years old and depict both wildlife and geometric shapes. The San drew the wildlife pictures while the geometric designs were from the Khoi. Animals depicted included giraffes, elephants, oryx, zebra, warthog, etc. The site was unguarded and essentially unmarked and we were free to walk all around and over the rock engravings.

The area was also full of interesting rock formations and vegetation.

1 comment:

  1. Visited here during a hunting trip near Kamanjab. Got the key to the C40 gate at Oppi Koppi, and it’s an easy 5 minute drive east toward Outjo. Prominent sign on C40 directs you to the parking area. It’s a solid 500-600 yard hike up a fairly steep dirt path when you start to see the first etchings. Bring some drinking water if you’re planning on spending any time exploring near the top of the koppie. Bring your camera or IPHONE and take lots of pictures. It’s a solid 2-3 hour trek if you take the time wandering around. It’s a fun excursion.
