Monday, February 6, 2017

In some ways, it is hard to believe another week has gone by. We are still carless, which means we have not been able to get out of the city yet. In order to access our funds in our American bank, we need to open a Namibian bank account. For that, we need to have our passports stamped with a work permit. Bruce applied for a work permit in August, but it was only approved last Friday. So, to make a long story a bit shorter, we must go to immigration and have them update our passports with a new work permit that is valid for one year (we entered the country on a 90 day permit). Then we take our passports, a letter proving where we reside, and Bruce's work contract to the bank. Hopefully we will then be able to open a saving account. At least that is what we think the process is. I am still not convinced that English is spoken here.

So anyway, I am still walking down to the store every day and lugging water jugs uphill. (why, oh why couldn't the store be uphill from our apartment resulting in going downhill lugging the water jugs?) I guess that it is a good work out, but it is tiresome.

On the bright side, my beloved took me out to dinner on Saturday night. We found a lovely restaurant just next door. It is NICE (Namibia Institute of Culinary Education). StudIents work and train here in culinary arts. I had oryx steak. I am not a huge meat eater, but when in Namibia... It was very good. In case you are wondering, here is a picture.

The Namibian diet is very meat and game centered. The quality of meat is good.

As many of you already know, our eldest daughter, Kelda was in a car accident yesterday going home from church. I do not know many of the details, but I guess a vehicle lost control and flipped over onto her car. I know that the Lord answered our prayers that we offer everyday to keep our children safe. It could have been much worse than it was. She suffered a cut above one eye and will be bruised and sore, but thankfully was not seriously harmed. I doubt that she will appreciate me sharing this photo, but after getting the news of her accident, seeing this picture calmed my troubled heart and it is now my favorite of the week. Sorry kiddo! I spent several hours pacing around the apartment and hating that I was selfish enough to be half way around the world when my child was harmed. I am so grateful to my other children who handled the situation much better than I did, our dear friends who checked up on Kelda for us, and our church friends who made sure that she had a Priesthood blessing and that all of her needs were meet.

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