Thursday, February 23, 2017

Dinner with the Ambassador

Last night we went to dinner with the U.S, Ambassador, Thomas Daughton. It was very nice. The dress was smart casual so I did not have to wear a long gown or go too fancy. The Ambassador's home is lovely, filled with all kinds of beautiful art. The State department provides art in conjunction with the Museum of Modern Art to the embassy homes. We even got a booklet with pictures and descriptions of some of the works. Mr. Daughton is from Arizona and in keeping with a desert theme, requested southwestern art for the exhibition here. It beats the map I have of Namibia hanging on my wall!
The dinner was equally impressive with china embossed with the embassy seal.  It was a bit more upscale than what I usually fix, if you can believe that. The three Fulbright scholars and some embassy officials were there. The conversation was wonderful and we learned a great deal about Namibia politics and issues. All and all it was a very nice evening hobnobbing with the rich, at least richer than we are. I also got a few leads on volunteering at schools and ideas about promoting children's literacy and culture sharing with schools here and the U.S. Now I just need to start to work on that.
So the next time you sit down to a three course dinner with roasted pepper soup, fruited couscous, chicken cutlets with avocado cream and lime citrus sorbet, think of how we are roughing it here in Africa.


  1. Well Pip Pip and all that - I can't believe we have such high-falutin' friends. Will you be getting your own embossed china?

  2. Did you get any of the recipes?

  3. Wow, this dinner party was superb!! Glad that you had such a nice weekend!!I Have also tried original wine and really taste food. There are various event space San Francisco for foods that offer varieties of cuisines and I have visited some of those places. I really had great experience.
