Tuesday, December 19, 2017

All Good Things Must Come to an End

As I sit at the computer, I am surrounded by a barren apartment and our packed bags. After 351 days, our Namibian adventure is coming to its end - and what an life changing and fabulous adventure it has been. It rained a little today which probably is symbolic for our mood and emotions. Excited about returning home to see our family and friends but sad to leave such a beautiful country and people. Namibia has become our home but as the saying goes "all good things must eventually come to an end."

But I would be greatly amiss and ungrateful to end the adventure without acknowledging and thanking the many people and institutions that have made this Fulbright experience possible.

First, I would like to thank the Fulbright Commission for awarding me the grant that made the whole experience a reality. The Fulbright program is sponsored and funded by the U.S. State Department. Hopefully, the politicians will continue to recognize the importance of such cultural exchanges. True and lasting peace in the world can only be accomplished through mutual dialog and communication among countries and people from diverse backgrounds and cultures.

Second, I must thank the Namibian University of Science and Technology (NUST) and the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering which hosted me during the year. They provided our fully furnished apartment, an office space, and considerable support in navigating the institutional bureaucracy and processes. I hope to continue to build on the collaborations that I have developed during my tenure.

Next, my home institution of the University of North Carolina at Charlotte and the Department of Engineering Technology and Construction Management for supporting and funding my sabbatical leave. I know that it required many colleagues to take on additional responsibilities and classes in my absence.

The students I have taught and mentored while at NUST has made the experience truly educational. I know I learned much more from them than anything I taught them. And I look forward to continuing to mentor and work with some of them after I return to the States.

I express sincere gratitude to the members of the Windhoek Branch of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. The congregation has been our family while in Namibia and their friendship made us feel at home from the moment we arrived in Namibia. Their faithfulness and diligence in living the Gospel of Jesus Christ has been an inspiration.

My love goes out to my kids and family at home. They have supported us in all ways while we were gone including looking after our house. Fortunately, some of them (a total of nine) had the opportunity to visit us during the year and experience Namibia for themselves.

Finally, my eternal love and gratitude must go to my wife, Karen. She has been by my side for all of our Namibian adventures. It has been a truly team effort and none of the adventures would have had the same meaning and impact without her companionship. Anything I have ever achieved has been possible only because of her unfailing support.

We do not know what the future may hold. We hope to come back to Namibia in some capacity. God may some other adventures in store for us. Only time will reveal the answer.

So, here is a fond farewell to our Namibia. A part of our hearts will always be Namibian.

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