Wednesday, December 13, 2017

Fond Farewell to Our Dependable Chariot

Unfortunately, we must now say a fond farewell to our dependable chariot as we sold our car. We don't get emotionally attached to such inanimate objects and provide them with names, etc. as some are prone to do. However, the car has been a central component in most, if not all, of our Namibian adventures. We will not be able to reminisce about our travels without recollecting the many hours we spent sitting in and driving the car. It safely transported us over all types of roads and terrain, across international borders, and through a variety of scenic and cultural areas with no mechanical issues (except for three flat tires). And, somehow, it survived our attempts in learning to drive on the left-hand side of the road. So, here goes a shout out to our 2011 Dodge Caliber. 

Although departing company with the car, here's hoping that it doesn't mark the permanent end of our Namibian travels. We hope to come back again in the future to see even more of this beautiful country and people.

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