Sunday, December 3, 2017

More trip pictures

Here are some more pictures from our trip to Victoria Falls. There is really no theme here, other than these are pictures I liked. Hope you enjoy them too.

African Fish Eagle

African Skimmer
We witnessed yet again,
"the circle of life" with these cute little birds. They were nesting on a sand bar in the river. Just after we passed by on the boat and took these pictures, we witnessed a group of water buffalo swimming across to the sandbar. We were excited to see the buffalo swimming until we realized that they were now tramping all over the nests of these cute little birds. Ah, the circle of life.

Helmeted turtle
Blue Crane

Marabou Stork

Marabou Stork 2

Millipede-- These guys are all over the roads this time of year and
can be five inches long. 

I know we have posted Ostrich pictures, but this is our first baby! And here it is with mommy....

This is a really big African tree! While our daughter refers to is as "the Lion King tree", I believe that
they are called Baobab trees and can live to be 3,000 years old. There is one growing in Zimbabwe that is quite famous since over 40 people can shelter in it's trunk. They simply refuse to die and if burned or striped of their bark, they just grow back. 

Grey Heron

Great Egret

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